MRA, which stands for Magnetic Resonance Angiography, is a noninvasive procedure which concentrates on the blood vessels of the body- it can monitor blood flow as well reveal the condition of the blood vessel walls.

MRA imaging allows physicians to diagnose disorders such as aneurysm, clots, and stenosis (narrowing) of the vessels.

Often, contrast material is needed to properly view the blood vessels- you will receive specific instructions for your exam at the time of scheduling.

As with MRI, patients with metal implants and pacemakers may not be eligible for an MRA exam.

CA mammogram uses low-dose amplitude x-rays to create an image of the breast. The breast itself is compressed so the tissue thickness can be evened out which produces the most high-quality images.

Imaging techniques will vary depending on whether your mammogram is for screening or diagnostic purposes. Patients are discouraged from using deodorant, talcum powder or lotion on the day of their exam, as these can produce abnormal results- you will be given specific instructions on your exam during scheduling.